Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Cartoon Gospels for December and the 12th Annual Cartoon Days of Christmas (TCDC)

The 2015 Cartoon Gospel
Wall Calendar, large Wall Calendar and eCalendar
are now available!

Lectionary for this Month (cartoon quick links):


Old Testament*

New Testatment


Advent 11/30 Isa 63:16-64:08 ICor 01:03-09 Mark 13:24-37
Advent 2 12/7 Isa 61.10-62.03 IIPet 03:08-15a Mark 1:1-8
Advent 3 12/14 Jer 03.07-14 IThess 05:16-24 John 1:(1-9), 10-18
Advent 4 12/21 Isa 60.01-06 Rom 16:25-27 Luke 1:26-38
After Advent 12/28 Gen 01.01-05 Gal 04:04-07 Luke 2:22-40
*Note: Old Testament is not always tracking with the Common Lectionary - FYI

Home of

Cartoon Gospels * Cartoon Old Testament * Cartoon New Testament

Cartoon Journey Through Theology and More!

Isa 60.01-06

John 1:10-18

Luke 2:22-40

The Bookstore: (Quick Reference Guide)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Cartoon Gospel and Old Testament Cartoons for November

The 2015 Cartoon Gospel
Wall Calendar, large Wall Calendar and eCalendar
are now available!

Lectionary for this Month (cartoon quick links):


Old Testament*

New Testatment


Sunday 11/2 Ruth 04:07-17 IThess 02:09-20 Matthew 23:1-12
Sunday 11/9 Amos 05:18-24 IThess 04:13-18 Matthew 25:1-13
Sunday 11/16 Zeph 01:07,12-18 IThess 05:01-11 Matthew 25:14-30
Sunday 11/23 Ezek 34:11-16,20-24 ICor 15:20-28 Matthew 25:31-46
Advent 11/30
Isa 63:16-64:08 ICor 01:03-09 Mark 13:24-37
*Note: Old Testament is not Tracking with the Common Lectionary - FYI

Home of

Cartoon Gospels * Cartoon Old Testament * Cartoon New Testament

Cartoon Journey Through Theology and More!

The Bookstore: (Quick Reference Guide)