Sunday |
Old Testament |
New Testatment |
Gospel |
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany 2/3 | Jer 01.04-10 | ICor 13.01-13 | Luke 4.21-30 |
Last Sunday after Epiphany (Transfiguration) 2/10 | Exod 34.29-35 | IICor 03.12-04.02 | Luke 9.28-36 |
First Sunday of Lent 2/17 | Deut 26.01-11 | Rom 10.08b-13 | Luke 4.1-13 |
Second Sunday of Lent 2/24 | Gen 15.01-12,17-18 | Phil 03.17-04.01 | Luke 13.31-35 |
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