Lectionary for this Month (cartoon quick links):
Sunday |
Old Testament |
New Testatment |
Gospel |
7/22/2012 | IISam 11:01-15 | Eph 02:11-22 | Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 |
7/29/2012 | IISam 12:01-14 | Eph 03:14-21 | John 6:1-21 |
8/5/2012 | IISam 12:15b-24 | Eph 04:01-06 | John 6:24-35 |
8/12/2012 | IISam 18:01,05,09-15 | Eph 04:25-5:02 | John 6:35, 41-51 |
8/19/2012 | IISam 18:24-33 | Eph 05:15-20 | John 6:51-58 |
8/26/2012 | IISam 23:01-07 | Eph 05:21-33 | John 6:55-69 |
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IISam 18:24-33 |
John 6:24-35 |
John 6:55-69 |
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